Jed Wentz, 'Deformity, Delight and Dutch Dancing Dwarfs: An Eighteenth-Century Suite of Prints from the United Provinces' in Music in Art, Vol. 36, No. 1/2, Dance & Image (Spring-Fall 2011), pp. 161-200.
Jed Wentz, 'An Annotated Livret of Lully's Roland as a Source for Seventeenth-Century Declamation' in Cambridge Opera Journal, Vol. 25, Issue 01, March 2013, pp. 1-36.
Anna de Haas and Jed Wentz,'Les Enfans du Sr. Frederic: The Identities and Performances of a Theatre Family Active in the Unites Provinces, 1758-1763' in European Drama and Performance Studies (2015-1), No. 4, special issue 'Dance and the Dutch Republic', guest eds. Michiel Schuijer and Jed Wentz, 95-144.
Jed Wentz, 'Mechanical Rules Versus Abnormis Gratia: Revaluing Gilbert Austin's Chironomia (1806) as a Source for Historical Acting Techniques' in Theatrical Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities, Bruno Forment & Christel Stalpert, eds. (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2015), pp. 41-57.
Jed Wentz, ''And the wing’d muscles, into meanings fly': practice-based research into historical acting through the writings of Aaron Hill', forthcoming in European Drama and Performance Studies Journal, 2022.